
Optima Bad makes everyday life easier thanks to WeAssist

June 17, 2023


WeAssist frees up time and gives us increased capacity,” says Erik Olstad, General Manager of Optima Bad AS.

The company Optima Bad supplies bathroom products to stores and retailers all over Norway. They have had a steady and steady growth since their inception in 2007 and count for four years.

-There have always been periods during the year when our organization is very pressed on time for various reasons, e.g. due to increased volume, illness or vacation cancellation. This has undoubtedly meant that I, as general manager, in particular, have not had the opportunity to focus as much on development and other important tasks as what I would have liked to have done,” continues Erik.

We should have had this 10 years ago!

When we heard about the concept of WeAssist, my first thought was “why hasn't anyone started with this before?” We should have had this 10 years ago!

First, we can access resources quickly and easily when we need it, without the need for time and costs associated with recruitment. In addition, we get access to several disciplines through only one point of contact, which makes it very easy to get support when we need it, without additional work and unnecessary dialogue with several different suppliers. The hourly rate is also very competitive. So this is a “no brainer” for us.

-Relieves and frees up time

WeAssist relieves us of more tasks. They solve some administrative tasks on an ongoing basis, they help us with graphic design and tasks related to it both for the website, social media and various flyers, catalogs, etc. In addition, they have helped us with our IT security which is something we have talked about internally for a long time but never done anything about.

The result of the cooperation is increased capacity and access to expertise that we do not have internally, in a very simple and good way. Especially helpful is the extra time I get out of this. It will no doubt make it easier for me to focus on the most important tasks ahead. All startups and small organizations should have a partnership with someone like WeAssist in my opinion,” concludes Erik.

-We succeed when our customers succeed

It's a lot of fun to be able to help others succeed,” says Kim Kåsene, founder and CEO of WeAssist. The goal of WeAssist is to relieve and thus free up time, as well as help more people scale their companies with a greater likelihood of success. I myself have experienced how demanding it is to scale a company, regardless of industry or concept. Nothing is more motivating than helping others achieve their goals, and at the same time being able to achieve their own.

We can contribute regardless of the size of the organization or industry,” Kim concludes.

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